SniperSpy is interested in what users think of their project, so everyone is free to make critical remarks, if necessary. There is a live chat and phone connection, so one can consult the team on whatever problem he or she facing. Those who have purchased and installed SniperSpy on their devices or PCs and are now using it actively, can contact the developer team any time and use all sorts of help and support 24/7/365. SniperSpy allows users to view and stop processes, which they think of as undesirable or dangerous. It reports places the user has visited recently and is visiting now and, in some cases, direction, which he or she is about to take.
This tool enables the tracking of the user’s routes with the help of an electronic map. Manage system files and read system information.
With this tool on your PC or device, a user can: Installation is simple, and the interface is easy to navigate.